Every year, millions of adults fall, leading to injuries and emergency room visits. Many of these falls and injuries can be prevented.
In an emergency, it's easy to forget even the most well-known information. That's why it is vital for you to complete the information in this form for each person in your household.
Older adults may have dental concerns that can't be fully taken care of with just brushing and flossing. Here's what you should know.
There are many types of sleep problems. They can interfere with health and quality of life. Sleep problems can range from insomnia to snoring.
A personal health record can help reduce or eliminate duplicate tests and allow you to get faster, safer treatment and care in an emergency. It also can help you play a more active role in your health care. Read on to learn more about creating one.
You don't have time to choose a hospital if you have a health emergency. But if you're facing surgery or treatment for a particular health condition, taking time to find a hospital that meets your needs is well worth the effort.
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression. It happens during certain seasons of the year, most often fall or winter. Here's what you need to know.
Getting a divorce is almost always painful and stressful, no matter how old or young you are. But if your marriage falls apart later in life, you may face some financial and emotional setbacks that are more difficult to recover from than when you were younger.
Depression is a serious mood disorder. It touches every part of your life and is caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain. Treatment involves medicine and counseling.
Depression is not a natural part of growing old. It's a health condition that should be treated aggressively. Read on to learn more.
Fire extinguishers can be a small but important part of the home fire safety plan. This holds true only after you've already installed working smoke detectors and a safe home fire evacuation plan.
Don't wait to think about disaster until you're dealing with one. In the hurried confusion, you're likely to miss important items as you prepare your home or leave to find shelter.